Friday 12 October 2012

Eating Out - Wetherspoons

Eating out is one of the toughest challenges when it comes to Coeliac Disease. You have to be incredibly careful what you eat, need to know exactly what ingredients are used and you need to ensure there is no risk of cross-contamination. Unfortunately, the last one is never going to be possible unless it is strictly a gluten-free restaurant you're eating in.

However, awareness of gluten free food is becoming more and more common. More people are being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and people are now going gluten free as a lifestyle choice. It is with this increase in awareness that many mainstream restaurants are starting to cater for Coeliacs.

Wetherspoons is one of the most prevalent pub chains across the UK. There are nine within a 5 mile radius of my postcode!

If you visit one of their restaurants, you will notice that their menus now have a 'GF' symbol next to food that coeliacs can eat. This includes pub favourites such as steak, gammon and curries. They also have a menu builder on their website for people with special dietary requirements. Take a look here. Wetherspoons isn't known for fantastic food, but I believe you get what you pay for and I've never been disappointed when I've eaten there. Obviously it will differ from branch to branch, but there is quite a lot on the menu for coeliacs, including a tasty fruit crumble in the Dessert section!

There is a disclaimer on the menu regarding the safety of gluten free items and cross-contamination, so it would be best to speak to your server with any concerns you may have.

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